Why should you search Twitter history to increase your following?

If your business is on Twitter, you need an effective marketing strategy that will help you grow your following.
If your business is on Twitter, you need an effective marketing strategy that will help you grow your following.

But, developing a strong strategy for Twitter is easier said than done. There are many different things to consider, and you must think about all the different facets of your Twitter account.

One important thing to do is to analyze your past activities, which means that you may have to search through your Twitter history, including content and tweets published years ago in order to find insights that will help you increase your followers on the social site.

Read the rest of this article to discover why searching through your Twitter history is important, and how you can do so quickly and easily to find actionable insights that you can use to grow your following.

Benefits of searching your Twitter history

There are many different sources that can help you go through your Twitter history, but regardless of which source you choose, the benefits remain the same. They are as follows:

Discover hot topics and trending content

By accessing your history, you'll be able to identify trending and resonating topics. You'll get great insights into who your followers are, what they like, and much more. These insights can then be leveraged to help you develop a more effective Twitter content strategy that will allow you to increase audience engagement, build followers, and grow your community. Additionally, you can use the trending topics on Twitter to help you create other content that can be shared on Twitter. For example, if you are using an online course platform to expand your brand, you can figure out what your target audience is interested in by looking through your Twitter history.
Then you can create online courses about that topic and share it directly on Twitter where future brand ambassadors can discover and share your online courses to millions.

This approach works just as well for videos hosted on YouTube or podcasts shared on podcast hosting platforms, and blogs. Whatever content can be shared on Twitter can be made better by using your Twitter history.

Improve customer support

Another benefit of searching through your Twitter history is that it helps you to identify conversations that you can use to improve your customer support. The last thing you want is to have frustrated customers that end up sending messages like this one. As you well know, social media has become the go-to platform where users can share experiences and express their opinions about your brand. A thorough search through your Twitter history will help you identify any conversations related to your brand (good or bad). You can then use a social listening tool to help you track these conversations so you can analyze the sentiments of your audience (both customers and prospects) toward your brand.
These insights can be used to improve customer support by either engaging with the users and attempting to resolve their issues or complaints, or by using the information to improve your products, marketing, or sales processes which will ultimately lead to fewer complaints in the future.

Analyze the effectiveness of your strategies

When you can access and analyze your Twitter history, it gives you the ability to measure the impact of any of your implemented strategies. You'll be able to identify the best and most effective marketing strategies overall, together with the individual campaigns that bring the best results.This way, you'll be able to deploy proven strategies that boost your return on investment (ROI) while avoiding strategies that perform poorly so you don't keep making the same mistakes in your marketing.

Improve customer loyalty

Yet another reason to analyze your history on Twitter is that it can help you boost loyalty among your community and followers. Engaging with users inspires brand loyalty and searching through your account history helps you identify the users who engage most frequently with your brand. Furthermore, you'll be able to identify influences with whom you can collaborate to start influencer marketing campaigns to promote your brand, boost visibility, and gain new customers on the social platform. You can take this a step further by sharing user-generated content (UGC) on Twitter. This is content that is created and shared by your audience on behalf of your brand and it not only helps to increase user participation and engagement but also boosts your social media reach and growth thanks to its many search engine optimization (SEO) perks.

Leverage popular tweets

Any marketer will tell you just how difficult it is to create new content on a regular basis. However, it's crucial that you find ways to keep your followers updated and engaged if you want them to continue following your brand. A great way to achieve this goal without breaking your back on the content treadmill is to leverage popular old tweets. The good news is that most followers won't remember or recognize your old content. That's why you stand to benefit a lot from re-sharing popular and engaging content that you posted some time back.
If the topic is still relevant, you can even use the content of your old tweets to come up with a whole new series of tweets to form an interesting storyline for your brand - much like what Disney does with its older content, as shown in the example below. Well-curated content, regardless of its age, can help you tell a compelling story of your brand so you can connect to the audience on a more personal level. This way, you'll be able to focus more on engaging your current followers and attracting new ones.

Analyze your competitors

There are certain third-party tools, such as RADAAR that let you identify and track the most popular topics, tweets, hashtags, and influencers. This tool lets you track topics in real-time so you can gather and analyze related Twitter data. You can track any hashtag, keyword, mention, or specific topics and then convert all that raw data into accurate and insightful metrics that you can use to inform your Twitter marketing strategy. RADAAR even lets you access your competitors' Twitter history. This will allow you to dissect the strategies your competitors use so you can implement similar or improved tactics to boost your presence on this social media platform. Furthermore, you can use your insights to help you avoid making the same mistakes that other businesses are making which cause customers to seek out their competitors.

Conduct an account audit

You can also use your Twitter history search to conduct an audit for your Twitter account. As you gathered from the tips outlined above, performing a thorough search is crucial to helping you maintain content quality so you can attract new followers to your profile. But, it's even more important to conduct the search if you've rebranded your business. This Twitter audit technique will help you identify any posts or content that no longer hold significance for your business so you can delete them. You can also use the history search to find old product updates or content that didn't attract engagement. Get rid of these as well. It's a good idea to conduct your Twitter audit at regular intervals so you have the peace of mind of knowing that all your content aligns with your brand's goals.

The process for conducting Twitter history search

Now that you know all the reasons why you should search your Twitter history to increase your following, let's take a look and how to go about doing so. To search through your Twitter history, you can either download the entire history archives using third-party tools or you can search directly from Twitter. Although this may seem like a time-consuming and tiresome task, with the right tools, the process can be easy.

How to search your Twitter data?

• Log in to your Twitter account.
• Click “More” and select “Settings and Privacy”.
• Under “Your Account”, select “Download an Archive of Your Data”.
• Click on “Request Archive”.
• Check your email for your Twitter history data. You can then download it for further analysis.

How to use advanced search techniques on Twitter?

Twitter also gives you the option to search your history using Twitter Advanced Search directly from your accounts.

You can apply specific filters to customize your search results, making it easy to find the exact information you are searching for.

Click here for Twitter Advanced Search and you will be presented with a pop-up that looks like this:

You can then customize your search results using 3 sections:

Words: Input the keywords, hashtags, phrases, topics, etc. that you want to search for in your Twitter history.
Accounts: This section is for the Twitter handles for which you want to search the Twitter history.
Filters: Here you can input the different filters, such as replies, links, etc.
Engagement: Choose the minimum replies, minimum likes, minimum retweets, etc. that you want on your results.
Dates: Use this section if you want to access the Twitter history from a specific period(s).

In addition to searching your own Twitter history to get valuable user information, you also have the ability to search the Twitter history of any public Twitter account using third-party tools.

This means you can get an entire history analysis of your competitors so you can dissect their strategies and improve upon them for your own marketing campaigns.


I hope this article has convinced you of the importance of searching your Twitter history to increase your following. Use the tips outlined here, as well as the process for conducting a Twitter history search, to help you gain insights into your audience and improve your overall marketing strategies on this social media platform.